
Friday, May 8, 2020

Lockdown at my house!

I have really been enjoying lockdown with my family. I have been riding my bike every day and my mum runs. The longest bike ride and run we went on was 10km. I even ran times with my Mum. One of those runs was 6km. I hope I can keep doing my bike rides with my Mum when I go back to school.  The motocross track got built on our farm again and I got to test it out but I fell off my bike and hurt my knee so we watched my Dad go round it on his pit bike. I think he is really good at riding motorbikes. On Anzac day one of the kids on the street made lots of poppies and put them on everyone's letterboxes. We all woke up and met at the end of the street and listened to the Anzac service. For ANZAC day everyone on the street woke up really early and one person on the street put poppies on everyone's mailbox. I made Anzac biscuits with my Mum and sister Annie.
I've had lots of fun with my family spending time with them but I have missed riding my pony.
Here are some photos.



  1. What a lovely family time you are having! Looks like you are looking after each other well! Lots of aroha! ❤️

  2. Hi Iyve,
    Great to read your lockdown recount, it looks as if you have been having a lot of fun with your family, and I can understand how you have been missing your pony, I bet your pony has been missing you too. Sounds as if you have got very fit during the lockdown with all your biking and running with your Mum.
    Well down Iyve.


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