Micah flew to the moon in his new rocket ship. But when he landed, he was in for a big surprise!
When he got out of the rocket and looked around the moon was as red as a strawberry. In the distance, he saw a rainbow coloured pony with a gold star horn eating candy floss grass and stars that fell from the sky.
As he got closer, a bunch of other rainbow coloured ponies jumped out and started playing around the pony with a star horn. He wanted to play as well.
He walked over to them but for some reason, they wouldn't let him get close. They were scared because they hadn't seen a human on the moon before.
Luckily he knew a lot about ponies. He slowed down and started talking to them, telling them “I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to play with you.”
They were listening to him but they gathered around the rainbow pony with the golden horn.
As he got closer he saw that there was a rainbow coloured foal next to the pony with a diamond-shaped horn. The foal sparkled like the night sky.
The rainbow ponies trusted Micah and let him play in the candy floss grass and ride them, jumping over giant star jumps.
After hours of galloping around the strawberry coloured moon they
were all tired so he lay in the candyfloss grass cuddled up
to the sparkling foal and her mum with the star horn till he
heard the alarm on his rocket letting him know it was time to go home.
He didn’t want to go. He was sad to say goodbye but promised
he would be back to try the bigger star jumps and eat lots more
candy floss grass and stars that fell from the sky.
mmm is this a picture Iyve? What app did you create this in? Is it a google drawing? I can help you embed it if you like as we can't see the story. I really want to read it!
ReplyDeleteI did it again
ReplyDeleteBut thank you
I really enjoyed your lovely story about Micah Iyve! You have painted a vivid and very colourful picture in my mind with your descriptive language. I also really like the way you incorporated your knowledge of horse behaviour into it, and also kept a theme of trust running all the way through. Fabulous writing!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this story and was impressed how you included your favourite animal! Wonderful work Iyve and the Star Jumps pun is also a clever piece of writing - because horses jump over stars and we do star jumps!!! Haha 😂. I am wondering if next time you could write in paragraphs? 3 paragraphs are a good start, Introduction, main part and conclusion. Ka Pai Iyve!